X.2: Device Drivers


The kernel of an operating system has a lot of different tasks. Some of them we visited in earlier chapters. One task of the OS is the management of the different hardware devices that are typically connected to a processor in a laptop, desktop, or server. The OS has to know how to talk to a certain device. Typically an Application Programming Interface (an API) is provided to the user space, so users can interact with the hardware.

Let’s take the timer from chapter 3 as an example. Enabling the interrupt for when Timer1 overflows was done by writing a ‘1’ to the LSB of address 0x6F. Although this is no rocket science, it is not realistic to assume that the user simply knows this. The manufacturer of the hardware, the timer in this example, is the one that knows and should make this knowledge available to the user. This is typically done through documentation, or through a driver.

      #define TIMSK1 _SFR_MEM8(0x6F)
      TIMSK1 |= 0x1;

The user could find out what is to be done to enable the interrupt from the documentation. When that is figured out, the user has to program/use the functionality correctly.

  • This needs no additional software
  • This requires a "skilled" user
      #include "timer.h"

The user could find out what is to be done and execute the dedicated function.

  • This requires a "normal" user
  • This needs additional software

The argument of needing additional software, e.g. the driver, is no longer a concern. The additional kilobyte of “firmware” can easily be stored. An additional benefit from using a driver is that it provides a more flexible solution. For example, version 2.0 from our timer has this bit moved to another position in the register. The “skilled” user that uses the timer, has to update his/her source code. With the solution of a driver, the vendor simply ships an updated driver with the hardware and no modifications needs to be made by the user. Scalability is improved!

Where do they live ?

The driver is a piece of software that allows an operating system to interact with a certain hardware component. In the first lecture on OSes, we talked about the user-space and kernel-space. So, where do device drivers live ? Take a guess … I’m sure you’ll be correct.

The correct answer is: both 😄 The driver can live in user-space and in kernel-space. Depending on the space, there is a benefit and drawback. Drivers in user-space will not crash the entire system is an error occurs in the driver itself. This provides improved stability. Drivers in kernel-space will run with much higher priority than user-space processes ever can. This provides improved performance.

Character device drivers

Character devices are the simplest types of devices to communicate with, on a Linux systems. The textbook example for this is a serial port. The serial port is the predecessor of the Universal Serial Bus (USB). Students might have been in contact with the serial port when using the RS232 protocol. This is how the UART communicates. Today, it is hard to find the original connector on a modern laptop/desktop, as they are all replaced with a USB-alternative.

The original serial port cable

Different types of USB connectors

As was stated before in the course, everything is a file on a Linux operating system. The serial port, which is driven by a character device driver, is represented by a file in /dev

The representation of a serial port on Linux system

The first character of permission modes is a c. We have seen that a d represents a directory. The c here shows that the device is a character device. A character device is a device that works with one character as a basic unit. The user can read one character at a time, or write one character at a time. As state above, the serial port is an excellent example for this.

Block device drivers

Devices that support filesystems are referred to as block devices. The drivers, not surprisingly: block device drivers. The typical examples for these are hard drives, solid-state drives, and USB flash memories.

Similar to the letter c with the character devices in the permissions, the block devices show the letter b.

The representation of a solid-state drive on Linux system

Writing your own

When you develop new hardware, or got in a situation where no drivers are around for existing hardware, you might decide it is time to write your own device driver.

This type of programming is very different from general application programming as you know it. If you make mistakes with general programming, you get a fault and that’s that. Maybe you need to reset the terminal, but that’s (roughly speaking) the worst that can happen.

When you write bugs in your device drivers, it is a different story. Memory leaks in the kernel might crash your system periodically. Incorrectly handled exceptions lead to system failures and maybe even hardware failures.

Kernel modules

Earlier we have seen that the kernel is not one impenetrable binary (monolithic). The kernel can be expanded with kernel modules. This is a small piece of code that can be added to the kernel, while the kernel is running. A number of kernel modules are present in the Virtual Machine image. You can list the kernel modules with the command: lsmod.

Result of lsmod in the Virtual Machine

Modules can be loaded and unloaded with insmod and rmmod, respectively.


While developing your custom driver, it is recommended you start of with a kernel module. After compiling, the kernel module can be inserted into the kernel (and hopefully, don’t crash it).

Because the driver is a kernel module it also has no main() function. “It’s just” a collection of functions that are attached to hooks of the kernel.

    int register_blkdev(unsigned int major, const char *name);

For example: the hook above is a standard function that kernel provides to allow a driver for a block device to register itself with the kernel.

Displaying messages on the standard output device is also not possible. Beginning kernel hackers use the printk function:

    printk(KERN_DEBUG "Debug message shown!\n");

These printed message do not end up on the device’s monitor, but in the kernel ring buffer. A ring buffer is a buffer with a fixed amount of size. When overflowing, the oldest messages get deleted.

The ring buffer can be consulted using the dmesg command. This prints the current content of the ring buffer to the screen.

Example of dmesg output

Example of dmesg, after inserting a USB drive

This is also a good place to visit when you are trying to solve system problems !!!!