
The sequences provide the verification engineer with a powerful tool. As with many things, the striking power is very much determined by the creativity and expertise of the wielder. The same holds for implications.

Implications allow to implement … well … implications. For example If x is high, then y must high. The construction consists of an antecedent (the initial condition) and a consequent (the effect).

Again there are two different types of implications.

Overlapping implications

In this type of implication the consequent is checked starting from the moment of every non-empty match of the antecedent.

Writing the implication on the aforementioned example would be done as follows:

x |-> y;

Wavedrom example

Nonoverlapping implications

In this type of implication the consequent is checked starting from the next clock tick after each nonempty match of the antecedent.

Writing the implication on the aforementioned example would be done as follows:

x |=> y;

Wavedrom example

One more word on implications

Implications can be used in properties, but NOT in sequences. The critical reader might see a overlap between the overlapping implication and the immediate assertion. While they might look similar, there is a subtle difference. In case of an overlapping implication where the antecedent is not succeed, the property (in which it is used) is assumed to succeed. A fancy term for this is: vacuous success. In contrast, an immediate assertion will give a warning even if the antecedent is not succeeding.