DP and CP

A natural tendency you might have (I know I have) is to start applying different test vectors: “Ok, my design knows 20 + 30, but does it also know 21 + 30 ?”

Randomising the inputs is a logical next step. Although this step is useful, it’s far from sufficient.

Years ago in this study program you were introduced to hardware design. Here you learned about the datapath (DP) and the control path (CP). The datapath is the part of your design that handles the actual data. In the example of our processor, this simply covered the instruction and the probed output of reg A. The control path is the part of your design that directs your datapath to behave correctly. In the example of our ALU, this covers: the input flags, the operation and the output flags.

It has been shown in the earlier sections of this chapter how randomisation can help us to better test a design. However, the only part that was randomised was the data path. A bold tester might even say after 10 successful tests of each operation of the ALU that the ALU works fine. (FTR: I’m not that bold 😃)

What if the control path would (also) be randomised ?

Imagine the following bug:

If an ADD is done after a SBC, an incorrect N-flag is reported.

Because the course handles a simplified processor as DUT, this scenario might be a bit far fetched. Let’s assume, nevertheless, that such a bug is there. Would your normal testbench catch it ? Or … would the SystemVerilog code (as it is at this point) catch it ?

Exercise: Taking apart the instruction

The input to the DUT now simply is 1 single byte. However, these 8 bits are a concatenation of 3 different parameters:

  • the first two bits (roughly) signal when the ALU is targeted. This can be deduced from the instruction set (e.g. here): when the instruction starts with “10”, the ALU is required;
  • the next three bits indicate which operation is selected (see 201);
  • the final three bits indicate the selected operand.

There is no rule that dictates that the instruction property in the transactions class must reflect the interface of the DUT.

class transaction;
  rand byte instruction;

class transaction;
  rand bit [1:0] instruction_type;
  rand bit [2:0] instruction_selection;
  rand bit [2:0] operand_selection;

This, of course, has some minor implications on the rest of the class.

class transaction;
    rand bit [1:0] instruction_type;
    rand bit [2:0] instruction_selection;
    rand bit [2:0] operand_selection;

    function new();
        this.instruction_type = 2'h0;
        this.instruction_selection = 3'h0;
        this.operand_selection = 3'h0;
    endfunction : new

    function string toString();
        return $sformatf("Instruction: %02x %02x %02x (%02x) ", this.instruction_type, this.instruction_selection, this.operand_selection, this.toByte);
    endfunction : toString

    function byte toByte();
        return byte'(this.instruction_type * 2**(6) + this.instruction_selection * 2**(3) + this.operand_selection);
    endfunction : toByte;

endclass : transaction;

In the example above the toString() method has be updated to the new properties. Additionally, a toByte() function is added. This method will useful in the driver.

    this.ifc.instruction <= tra.instruction;
/* will become */
    this.ifc.instruction <= tra.instruction.toByte();

More constraints

Two more ways to constraint the randomness generation are given here.

inside and dist

Two keywords can help you in verifying the design: inside and dist. Two examples are given below. Pay attention to the syntax !! Brackets, semicolons, curly brackets, etc. it sometimes becomes delicate.


With the inside keyword a value can be forced to lay between two different values.

  constraint c1 {
    (instruction_selection inside {3'b000, 3'b001});
  constraint c2 {
    (instruction_selection inside {[0:3]});
  constraint c3 {
    !(instruction_selection inside {[0:3]});

The c1 constraint implies that the operation must be either ADD or ADC. The possible values of instruction_selection are enumerated between the curly brackets.

The c2 constraint implies that the operation must be an arithmetic operation. The possible values of operation lies within the range 3'b000 to 3'b011 (with the upper-limit inclusive).

The c3 constraint implies that the operation may not be an arithmetic operation. The possible values of operation may not lay within the range 3'b000 to 3'b011.


With the dist keyword a value can be given a distribution of occurring.

  constraint c1 {
    instruction_selection dist { 0 := 1, 1 := 5, 2 := 1, 3 := 5 };
  constraint c2 {
    instruction_selection dist { [0:3] := 5, [4:7] := 1 };
  constraint c3 {
    instruction_selection dist { [0:3] := 5, [4:7] :/ 1 };

The c1 constraint implies that the operation must be an arithmetic operation (because only values 0, 1, 2, and 3 are enumerated). On average, operations ADC and SBC should occur 5 times more than ADD and SUB.

With x := y the relative weight of generating value x is set to y.

The c2 constraint implies that an arithmetic operation occurs 5 times more than a logical operation.

The c3 constraint implies that the weight of 1 is assigned to the entire range. This boils down to values 4-7 having a weight of 0.25, each.


Through the use of the implication-operator (->) conditional relations can be installed.

class OperandsDemo;
 rand byte A;
 rand byte B;
 constraint c_implication_example {
   A == 0 -> B < 12;
   A == 1 -> B > 11;

It is pointed out that these restrictions might seem a bit far fetched for this simple example.
Hopefully these constraints give you a hint of the power of constraining randomness. By enabling/disabling such constraints the verification engineer can tune his/her test scenario to verify specific goals.

Also note that these keywords can also be used for constraining the randomness in the datapath.

There are even more techniques to control the randomness generation. Also, given the object-oriented nature of SystemVerilog a lot more can be achieved by making subclasses an inheriting randomness settings and constraints from the parent classes. Handling all these degrees of freedom, however, would take us too far in this course.

A small example on class inheritance is given below.

class transaction;
    rand bit [1:0] instruction_type;
    rand bit [2:0] instruction_selection;
    rand bit [2:0] operand_selection;

    function new();
        this.instruction_type = 2'h0;
        this.instruction_selection = 3'h0;
        this.operand_selection = 3'h0;
    endfunction : new

    function string toString();
        return $sformatf("Instruction: %02x %02x %02x (%02x) ", this.instruction_type, this.instruction_selection, this.operand_selection, this.toByte);
    endfunction : toString

    function byte toByte();
        return byte'(this.instruction_type * 2**(6) + this.instruction_selection * 2**(3) + this.operand_selection);
    endfunction : toByte;

endclass : transaction;

class ALUtransaction extends transaction;

function new(); super.new(); this.instruction_type.rand_mode(0); this.instruction_type = 2'h2; endfunction : new

endclass : ALUtransaction;