Cheat sheet

This cheat sheet summarises a set of commands, so you don’t have to Google everything.

Linux commands

Below is a brief list of Linux commands. Remember that you can get more info on a command by typing “[command] -h", “man [command]”, or even google the manpage on Google.

command goal
cd change directory
pwd ‘present working directory’
ls list (show content of current directory) - typical parameters: -lha (longform, human readable, all files)
history show a history of used commands. Re-execute with ![number].
alias make a shorthand command for another, longer command
clear clears all text from terminal window

CLI tools

command goal
man show text manual for another command (exit by pressing q)
mkdir make (create) a directory
touch create a file
rm remove a file/directory - typical params: -rf (recursive, force)
cat print raw file contents to terminal output
head print the first few lines of raw file contents to the terminal output - typical parameters: -n 15 (number of lines is 15)
tail print the last few lines of raw file contents to the terminal output - typical parameters: -n 15 (number of lines is 15)
grep search for content in a file
find search for content in a file
awk scripting language to filter strings/file contents
vi powerful editor with a steep learning curve (FYI: exiting is through: ESCAPE then “:q!")
nano slightly simpler editor which is easier to control
chmod change modifiers of a file (r/w/x/d)
time record time it takes to run another command or give resource usage


command goal
gcc GNU C Compiler - params: -c, -o, …
make Execute a Makefile - params: [target]
./[filepath] execute a compiled file/program

System administration

command goal
lsusb list USB devices
ps report a snaptshot of the current processes - typical parameters: -aux
pstree display a tree of processes
kill send a signal to a process - typical parameters: -9 PID (kill signal, process id (get from ps))
bg send process to the background
fg retrieve process to the background
jobs list processes in the background
ssh secure shell - remote access to another computer via command line