Why Laravel?
- framework -> templates
- faster
- libraries
- MVC model
- very popular option -> a lot of information
- more secure -> because php is datasensitive
- built-in security features
- automatic integration with database
Install Laravel
Edit php.ini file
line 962
uncomment (delete semicolon in fromt) extention=zip
line 930
uncomment extention=fileinfo
line 942
uncomment extention=openssl
line 944
uncomment extention=pdo_mysql
Add php.exe to path variables (new system variable)
name: PHP
location: C:\xampp\php\php.exe
Add dependency manager: Composer
download .exe
add to path: C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin
Install Laravel using Composer
$ composer global require laravel/installer
Reinstall XAMPP and move project into Dashboard -> Laravel
first delete all files inside the dashboard directory
Create laravel project in your project folder
$ laravel new <projectName>
starterkit -> none
Pest -> 0 (testing framework, PHPUnit is older)
Git -> no
db -> mysql (via XAMPP)
default database migrations -> yes (make sure MySQL server is turned on in XAMPP)
Front page is in public/index.php
Setup database
inside phpmyadmin -> new database (give same name as laravel project ‘-’ becomes ‘_’).
OR set name in .env
($ php artisan migrate
creates tables that integrate with laravel !
(Start webserver without apache: inside project folder)
$ php artisan serve
Intro into Laravel TodoList
Create object and db migration
$ php artisan make:model <modelName> -m
$ php artisan migrate
check migration in /database/migrations/
update migration so it interacts with table correctly (set correct model properties)
model will be in app/model