
With the protocol fixed and the attention to CDX (clock domain crossing), design and implementation can start.

I2C slave

The design you're making needs to be able to receive commands over I2C. For this purpose it has 2 external inputs: I2C_S_scl and I2C_S_sda. This component watches these two signals all the time. When a 32-bit command, data is received it flags this with a data valid signal.

I2C master

The design you're making needs to be able to send commands over I2C. For this purpose it has 2 external outputs: I2C_M_scl and I2C_M_sda. Upon receiving a 32-bit command data and a data valid it sends this command using 2 external outputs: I2C_M_scl and I2C_M_sda.


The final component communicator instantiates both the I2C master and I2C slave.

The communicator, ready for SOC-ing

Testing (, testing, and some more testing)

library IEEE;
  use IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL;

entity communicator_tb is
    G_DATASIZE : integer := 32
end communicator_tb;

architecture Behavioural of communicator_tb is

  component communicator is
    port (
      reset : in STD_LOGIC;
      clock : in STD_LOGIC;
      data_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(G_DATASIZE-1 downto 0);
      data_in_valid : in STD_LOGIC;
      data_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(G_DATASIZE-1 downto 0);
      data_out_valid : out STD_LOGIC;
      I2C_S_scl : in STD_LOGIC;
      I2C_S_sda : in STD_LOGIC;
      I2C_M_scl : out STD_LOGIC;
      I2C_M_sda : out STD_LOGIC    
  end component;

  signal reset, clock : STD_LOGIC;
  signal I2C_S_scl, I2C_S_sda : STD_LOGIC;
  signal I2C_M_scl, I2C_M_sda : STD_LOGIC;
  signal data_in_valid, data_out_valid : STD_LOGIC;
  signal data_in, data_out : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(G_DATASIZE-1 downto 0);
  signal TX_data, RX_data : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(G_DATASIZE-1 downto 0);
  signal TX_valid, RX_valid : STD_LOGIC;

  signal I2C_S_scl_d : STD_LOGIC;
  signal bitcounter : integer;

  constant clock_period : time := 10 ns;
  constant I2C_clock_period : time := 10 us;

  procedure pro_I2C_send (
    signal data : in std_logic_vector(G_DATASIZE-1 downto 0);
    signal scl : out std_logic;
    signal sda : out std_logic
    ) is
    -- IDLE
    scl <= '1'; 
    sda <= '1';
    wait for I2C_clock_period;

    sda <= '0';
    wait for I2C_clock_period/2;

    -- BIT MSB..LSB
    for I in G_DATASIZE-1 downto 0 loop
      scl <= '0';
      wait for I2C_clock_period/4;
      sda <= data(I);
      wait for I2C_clock_period/4;
      scl <= '1';
      wait for I2C_clock_period/2;
    end loop;

    scl <= '0';
    sda <= '0';
    wait for I2C_clock_period/2;
    scl <= '1';
    wait for I2C_clock_period/2;
    sda <= '1';

  end pro_I2C_send;


  PSTIM: process
    reset <= '1';
    data_in_valid <= '0';
    data_in <= (others => '0');
    TX_data <= x"00000000";
    TX_valid <= '0';
    I2C_M_scl <= '1';
    I2C_M_sda <= '1';
    wait for clock_period*10;

    reset <= '0';
    wait for clock_period*10;

    --Test scenario 1: Data coming from external source
    --test 1 (random number)
    TX_data <= x"EB012345"; TX_valid <= '1';
    wait for clock_period;
    TX_valid <= '0';
    pro_I2C_send(TX_data, I2C_M_scl, I2C_M_sda);
    wait until data_out_valid = '1';
    assert(data_out = TX_data) report "incorrect receiving" severity error;
    TX_data <= x"00000000";

    -- test 2 (receiving a second 'command')
    TX_data <= x"FEDCBA98"; TX_valid <= '1';
    wait for clock_period;
    TX_valid <= '0';
    pro_I2C_send(TX_data, I2C_M_scl, I2C_M_sda);
    wait until data_out_valid = '1';
    assert(data_out = TX_data) report "incorrect receiving" severity error;
    TX_data <= x"00000000";

    -- test 3 (cornercase: all '0')
    TX_data <= x"00000000"; TX_valid <= '1';
    wait for clock_period;
    TX_valid <= '0';
    pro_I2C_send(TX_data, I2C_M_scl, I2C_M_sda);
    wait until data_out_valid = '1';
    assert(data_out = TX_data) report "incorrect receiving" severity error;
    TX_data <= x"00000000";

    -- test 4 (cornercase: all '1')
    TX_data <= x"FFFFFFFF"; TX_valid <= '1';
    wait for clock_period;
    TX_valid <= '0';
    pro_I2C_send(TX_data, I2C_M_scl, I2C_M_sda);
    wait until data_out_valid = '1';
    assert(data_out = TX_data) report "incorrect receiving" severity error;
    TX_data <= x"00000000";

    report "Test scenario 1: OK" severity note;

    -- Test scenario 2: Data going to external source
    -- test 1 (random number)
    data_in <= x"EB012345";
    data_in_valid <= '1';
    wait for clock_period*2;
    data_in_valid <= '0';
    wait until RX_valid = '1';
    assert(RX_data = data_in) report "incorrect sending" severity error;
    data_in <= x"00000000";
    -- test 2 (sending a second 'command')
    data_in <= x"FEDCBA98";
    data_in_valid <= '1';
    wait for clock_period*2;
    data_in_valid <= '0';
    wait until RX_valid = '1';
    assert(RX_data = data_in) report "incorrect sending" severity error;
    data_in <= x"00000000";

    -- test 3 (cornercase: all '0')
    data_in <= x"00000000";
    data_in_valid <= '1';
    wait for clock_period*2;
    data_in_valid <= '0';
    wait until RX_valid = '1';
    assert(RX_data = data_in) report "incorrect sending" severity error;
    data_in <= x"00000000";
    -- test 4 (cornercase: all '1')
    data_in <= x"FFFFFFFF";
    data_in_valid <= '1';
    wait for clock_period*2;
    data_in_valid <= '0';
    wait until RX_valid = '1';
    assert(RX_data = data_in) report "incorrect sending" severity error;
    data_in <= x"00000000";
    report "Test scenario 2: OK" severity note;

  end process;

  DUT: component communicator
   port map(
    reset => reset,
    clock => clock,
    data_in => data_in,
    data_in_valid => data_in_valid,
    data_out => data_out,
    data_out_valid => data_out_valid,
    I2C_S_scl => I2C_M_scl,
    I2C_S_sda => I2C_M_sda,
    I2C_M_scl => I2C_S_scl,
    I2C_M_sda => I2C_S_sda

  -- CLOCK
  PCLK: process
    clock <= '1';
    wait for clock_period/2;
    clock <= '0';
    wait for clock_period/2;
  end process PCLK;

    variable I : integer;
    I := 0;
    while I < 1000 loop 
      bitcounter <= 0;
      RX_valid <= '0';
      RX_data <= x"00000000";

      -- wait for start condition
      while not(I2C_S_scl = '1' and I2C_S_sda = '0') loop
        wait for clock_period;
      end loop;

      -- receive G_DATASIZE bits
      while bitcounter < G_DATASIZE loop
        if I2C_S_scl = '1' and I2C_S_scl_d = '0' then 
          RX_data <= RX_data(RX_data'high-1 downto 0) & I2C_S_sda;
          bitcounter <= bitcounter + 1;
        end if;

        wait for clock_period;
      end loop;

      -- wait for stop condition
      wait until I2C_S_scl = '1';
      wait until I2C_S_sda = '1';

      -- wait for I2C clock period to finish
      wait for I2C_clock_period/2;

      -- signal complete reception
      RX_valid <= '1';
      wait for clock_period*1;
      RX_data <= x"00000000";
      RX_valid <= '0';
    end loop;

  end process;

    if rising_edge(clock) then 
      I2C_S_scl_d <= I2C_S_scl;
    end if;
  end process;

end Behavioural;