Put a SoC in it

Today’s designs often feature a System-on-Chip (SOC). This is a buzz word which means that a chip contains more than only a processing core. Typically there are more components like, for example: a timer, some memory, and a UART.

The PYNQ Z2 board contains a ZYNQ FPGA. This type of FPGAs is a hybrid form which combines the traditional reconfigurable fabric of an FPGA, with a dedicated processor. In the case of the PYNQ Z2 the dedicated processor is an ARM Cortex A9.


In the next step, we’re going to make a SOC. By the time it is finished it will look like the image below:

The targeted SOC

  • processor: the built-in ARM Cortex A9
  • DDR: the DDR3 Flash Memory, off-chip on the PCB
  • reset: reset generation (and synchronisation)
  • AXI4: the AXI4 on-chip bus
  • xmas_light: the IP core that drives the LEDs and the RGB LEDs.
  • communication: the IP core that receives and sends instructions

The different components of the SOC have to be connected to each other. This is done through an on-chip bus. A heavily used interface is the Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI), which originates from ARM. The current version is AXI5, which has some minor additions to AXI4. We will make use of AXI4 during the labs. More information on AXI can be found online, starting from wikipedia.

IP component

Up until now, you’ve been working on the (hardware) functionality of the fancy lights. To attach your design to an AXI bus (or any other bus), the component needs a certain interface. The details on this interface itself fall out-of-scope for this lab. The Vivado design tool has a wizard that guides you through the generation of an AXI4 component. Using this wizard, the design as shown below is generated.

The generated IP core

The entity or module that you have been working on is the xmas_light block in the middle. The outer most module xmas_light_v1_0 does not do anything other than forwarding the top level inputs and outputs to xmas_light_v1_0_S00_AXI.

From the naming of this middle block you can tell: 1) it is a child of xmas_light_v1_0, 2) it provides an AXI interface, and 3) the interface is slave 0. If the IP component has multiple interfaces, these numbers and names change.

Your IP component will be reachable by the processor through an address. This is called Memory-Mapped IO (MMIO). The interface that is generated already provides a number of slave register in xmas_light_v1_0_S00_AXI. When the processor read from (or writes to) a certain address, these operations actually target these registers. It is up to you (the designer) how you will wire up these registers to your design.

For example: the 32-bit slave register 0 will be connected to the command input. The LSB of slave register 1 will be connected to thte command valid.

Make sure you have tested your design in the testbench before continuing.

The goal is to create an AXI4 IP of the xmas light design you have already made and tested. One approach would be to look up the specifications of AXI4 and start implementing the protocol. The documentation is freely availble online, but this is out-of-scope for this lab.
Luckily Xilinx provides tools to create an AXI4 IP more easily. By going to tools->Create and package new IP you can create a new AXI4 IP.

Create and package new IP

You start by pressing next and in the next box you say “Create a new AXI4 peripheral”.

Create AXI4 peripheral

In the details you give it a name and you can also give it a description.

Do not forget to change the IP Location or at note down where it is saved!

Peripheral details

Here we can change the interfaces. You can add and remove AXI interfaces to create IPs with multiple interfaces. For our lab 1 AXI interface is enough.

For each interface we can configure the protocol. There is the chose between Lite, Full and Stream. We will use the Lite interface type.

Then there is the interface mode. Were we can chose between Slave and Master. For our project the ARM CPU will be the master, so then our IP needs to be the slave.

The data width for AXI4 Lite is always 32-bits, so we can’t change this option.

Memory size is only for full AXI4 and we are creating a AXI4 Lite IP.

The number of registers is important. Here we need to think which inputs and outputs needs to come and go to the CPU?

If we look at the entity we see this

entity xmas_light is
  port (
    reset : in STD_LOGIC;
    clock : in STD_LOGIC;
    command : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(31 downto 0);
    command_valid : in STD_LOGIC;
    RGB0 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);
    RGB1 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);
    LEDs : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0)
end xmas_light;

Which of those signals do we get from the register/CPU?

  • reset: this is a global signals which we get from the IP
  • clock: the IP is clocked and we use this same clock, we can later configure the clock speed of this clock
  • command: this is the command that drives the XMAS lights
  • commmand_valid: this indicates if when we can read this command
  • RGB0: This is the output to RGB led 0
  • RGB1: This is the output to RGB led 1
  • Leds: This is the output to LEDs

Reset and clock are global signals.

The CPU needs to supply the command and the command_valid signals.

The outputs needs to be added to the IP I/O ports!

So we only need registers for the 32-bit command signal and the command_valid signal. This means that 2 registers are sufficient. Vivado tells us that the minimum is 4, so we will use 4 registers.

Create and package new IP

At the last page we say we want to edit the IP.

Create peripheral

Now it generates the template code for a AXI4 light IP block.

Vivado has a nice feature to save storage space when you create a lot of IP blocks. When you made your IP and closes the project it will decide that you’re finished with it and do not want to change it again, so it will decide to remove the project file to change the IP. This is very frustrating when you want to make changes later, because you will have to create the new IP from scratch.

Luckily we can disable this feature by clicking on settings on the left and under IP->Packager ticking the box “delete project after packaging” off.

When creating a new IP later, verify if the setting is still turned off!

Delete project packager setting

Now we have a project with 2 files. For me they are called “xmas_light_v1_0” and “xmas_light_v1_0_S00_AXI”. Here we will need to add our XMAS light somehow. xmas_light_v1_0_S00_AXI is the main file and xmas_light_v1_0 is just a small wrapper.

If your IP is in Verilog instead of VHDL you can go to the settings and changed under general change the target language from verilog to VHDL.

Some things to note in the generated code before inserting our design.

  • There are 4 registers (as configured) called slv_reg0..3.
  • There is a clock called S_AXI_ACLK
  • There is a active low reset called S_AXI_ARESETN
  • The code writes to the registers by default, if your design writes to one of these registers. If your design writes to registers, you need to make sure there are no double drivers and remove the code which writes to them.

At the bottom of the file xmas_light_v1_0_S00_AXI you have a section where they tell you to add your code. So that is where we will put our design. But first add the sources, you can use add files and select the files from the other project. I recommend you thick the box copy sources into IP directory to make sure you copy the files to this project.

	-- Add user logic here

	-- User logic ends

Now we need to think how we want to map the I/O of our design to the registers. We will use slv_reg0 as our command registers and use the first bit of slv_reg1 as the command_valid signal.

Note that the our designs expects an active high reset so we need to invert the reset signal.

	-- Add user logic here
	reset_i <= not(S_AXI_ARESETN);
    xmas_light_inst00: component xmas_light port map (
    reset => reset_i,
    clock => S_AXI_ACLK,
    command => slv_reg0,
    command_valid => slv_reg1(0),
    RGB0 => RGB0,
    RGB1 => RGB1,
    LEDs => LEDs
	-- User logic ends

Of course if we instantiate a component and use a signal we also have to add this to the architecture.

And if we use output ports it also has to be added to entity declaration, Xilinx again give us a spot to add those.

		-- Users to add ports here
            RGB0 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);
            RGB1 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(2 downto 0);
            LEDs : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 downto 0);
		-- User ports ends

Now we also need to add these port to the other file xmas_light_v1_0. Here you need to add these to the entity, the component declaration and the port map.

Don’t forget to note down the connections to the registers; and to wire out external signals all the way up !!!

Now we have all code in the IP and need to package it so it can be used in an other project.

On the left we press Edit packaged IP. Here we see all the packaging steps.

In all of the packaging steps where there is not a green check mark you press merge changes from ….

merge changes

When do you can press the Re-package IP button!

re-package IP

If your Vivado version is newer then 2020.1 and older then 2023.2 on Windows you might need to check the FAQ page to fix the makefile for later in Vitis.


Now we need to create what the course is all about a System-On-Chip (SoC), look at the course name!

For now, the communication IP block is not used, because it does not exist yet. So we need to recreate the SoC once it is ready!

We start by creating a new vivado project. I typically give it a name ending with _soc, but feel free to do something else.

This Vivado project is special, you will not write VHDL, but you will create a block design.

We can press the button Create block design on the left side and press ok. Here we see our block design, which is currently empty. First we add the ZYNQ7 Proccesing System by first clicking the + button on top or right mouse button add IP. Once we have this we also want to add our IP, but if you search for it you will not find it!

This is because we still need to add the IP repository to the new project so it knows where to look for our IP. You do this in the settings on the left then IP->Repository.

When added it will show you that you how many IPs are found in the IP repository.

IP repostiry

Now we add our XMAS IP to the block diagram.

Unconnceted block diagram

If you look on top you should have 2 new buttons. One is Run Block Automation and the other Run connection automation. Both will help us connecting the IP in the right way. You can press run block automation and here you can configure a few parameters of the processing system. You can just press OK here, the default is good. Now you will see it connected the DDR and FIXED_IO to outside ports.

Now we can also press run connection automation. Here we can specify which clock to use, but we have only 1 clock which comes from the processing system, so we can press OK. Now we will see it connected the AXI side of our IP through some blocks to the processing system. It generated an AXI interconnect block to interconnect the AXI bus from the processing system to our core. And it generated a processor system reset block which handles the reset of the AXI bus.

Note that we use the FCLK_CLK0 from the Processing System as our clock. But at which frequency does it operate?

By double clicking the processing system we can configure it. It has a lot of options from I/O interfaces to memory. But we are interested in the programmable logic or PL clock. On the left we click Clock configuration and got to PL Fabrick Clocks. Here we can change the clock of FCLK_CLK0, we use a clock of 100 MHz for our project.

If your block design does not look organized you can press the rotating arrow button called Regenerate Layout to let Vivado reorder the block locations.

You might also have noticed that our IP output signals are not connected. We can fix this by selecting them all by holding CTRL and do right mouse button make external. Now it created output pins for those signals. But we still need to add these signals to our .xdc file. The DDR and FIXED_IO for the processing system are automatically included.

We do not need to define a clock in the .xdc file because we use the clock of the processing system!

Also note that there is a Address editor tab. Here is defined in which area of the memory our IP sits. Remember we were creating a MMIO (Memory-Mapped IO). This is were we can configure which memory location will be used for which IP. What we will do in software is write to this address, on my example 43C0_0000, and it will appear in slv_reg0 of our IP. This we connected to command input of our design!

Address editor

Once the block design is finished, a HDL wrapper needs to be generated. This can be done by right clicking on the block design and letting Vivado manage the wrapper. Finally, the toolchain can be ran: synthesis, implementation, bitstream generation.

Verify that, with the bitstream generated, there are no timing violations !!

If everything went well you should have a final design similar to this.

Block diagram finished

Depending on your version of the tools, the layout might look different. Also different labels might be used on the buttons, but the general flow should be similar (if not identical).

If all is well, the hardware design can be exported. Make sure you tick the export bitstream check-box so the freshly generated bitstream is present in the Vitis environment.