105 - Simulation


By now you should have a Vivado project that is able to simulate the PicoRV. Also, you should have a working setup that compiles C-code into a .hex file. It’s time to close this loop.

In the depicted testbench sits the PicoRV32 in the center. This device-under-test (DUT) is the unmodified code from the PicoRV32 repo.

As there currently is no implementation for the memory, the testbench instantiates a model (picorv_mem_model.vhd) that mimics the behaviour of such a memory implementation.

This approach is similar to how you modelled a clock source.

The picorv_mem_model has an additional input load_file. With this input set, the model reads in a file into it’s virtual memory.

In the previous section it was discussed how the result of a print function ended up in a write to address 0x10000000. This is also caught by this memory model. Every write to this address hence results in a write to file, e.g. simulation_output.dat.

Both the filenames of the input file and the output file are set through generics:

    picorv_mem_model_inst00: component picorv_mem_model 
        generic map (
            G_DATA_WIDTH => G_DATA_WIDTH, 
            FNAME_HEX => "/home/jvliegen/vc/github/KULeuven-Diepenbeek/hwswcodedign-course/src/firmware/example1/firmware.hex",
            FNAME_OUT => "/home/jvliegen/vc/github/KULeuven-Diepenbeek/hwswcodedign-course/src/firmware/example1/simulation_output.dat"
        ) port map (

Please note that the possibility of describing such models is an intrinsic part of the HDL. However, it is still important to understand that this type of code is non-synthesisable, as in … it can not be translated to hardware components.

Parsing the output

A simple Python script is available to ‘parse’ the output that is generated by the memory model:

python3 tools/parse_simulation.py <simulation_output_filename>

This small script converts the 32-bit binary string to an integer and shows it both decimally and hexa-decimally. Also the corresponding character is printed.

Feel free to adjust/upgrade/improve/… this parsing script !!
